Healing After Dental Implants: What To Expect

If you are considering dental implant surgery, you likely have a lot of questions about how long you have to wait until you can enjoy your fully restored smile.

Though not a very difficult procedure, getting a dental implant can involve quite a long healing period, sometimes as long as 6 months. To understand why healing can take so long, it’s important to understand what the procedure generally involves.

The Dental Implant Process

The dental implant is actually made-up of three components:

  • The implant itself, a metal screw-like object that gets inserted into the jaw;
  • The abutment, which connects the implant to the crown;
  • The dental crown, or the visible part of the implant, which will look and function just like a regular tooth.

The surgery only involves placing the dental implant into the jaw in place of the missing tooth. The surgeon makes an incision in the site and adds the implant, which will begin bonding with the surrounding tissue immediately through a process called “osseointegration.”

Dental Implant Healing Timeline

Here’s a quick overview how your healing timeline following implant surgery:

  • First 24 hours - This is the post-op healing, where you will likely still feel the effects of the anesthesia. It’s likely to feel a bit sore and tender around the implant site, but the effects usually wear off in a few hours.
  • First Week - The site of the implant heals on the surface. You may experience some tenderness and even mild bleeding, but in most cases, the site will close one-week post-op. If you look at the implant, you may even believe you’ve fully healed!
  • Following 4-6 months - Though your implant looks healed, osseointegration takes a rather long time, and you won’t be able to get the abutment and crown until this process completes. Otherwise, the implant may not be fully fixed into the jaw creating a wobbly base that’s not suitable for the crown. You will likely need to see your surgeon a few times for a consultation.

Factors That Can Delay the Process

Once your jaw fully heals, you will be able to receive the abutment and crown and enjoy your new smile. However, you should know there are several factors that can delay either your healing or simply extend the process:

  • Medical history
  • Post-op care
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking or improper nutrition
  • The need for dental implant preparation (such as sinus lifts, or bone grafting) which have their own healing timelines, etc.

If you want to learn more about dental implants and find out if you’re a good candidate, Academy Dental Care is happy to help.

Book a consultation with Dr. Thomas O'Shea today or call us at (301) 884-2299 for more information about us.

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